Thursday, November 24, 2011

Does anyone have any Triple Jump tips?

I jump off of my right leg for long jump, but I don't know which one to go off first for triple jump.

If you have any triple jump tips too that would be great!|||Well... if you jump off you right, I reckon you would probably go right - right - left, but try both to see which is most comfortable.

As for tips, well everyone gets really worked up with tring to get their foot on the edge of the board, but before you do that, you have to get your feet together when you land. If you can't get them together, you negate any advantage you gain by having your foot on the edge of the board, cos your back foot is 10 centimetres behind your front, or whatever.

When you have made sure that you have got your feet together, then try to get your actual jumps better. Make sure that as you are in the air and doing the hop, you do a full stride as if you were running off your left foot, because it gives your leg more momentum coming in and stops your Hip Flexors busting out...

When doing the stride, try to get as much spring as possible going mainly outwards, but a bit upwards. The jump is a no-brainer really, just jump as far as you can, and bring your legs forward as you are about to land, it will give you about 40 cms more distance.

When you have got all this right, then work on your run-up. Do a full run-up out to where you would start the hop, and have a friend see where your foot lands. Then put something there to mark it and try your run-up. Get the friend(s) to see how far your foot is from the board, and adjust your run-up accordingly.

When you have got this sorted out, go from the front of the board to your marker, and measure the distance in foot-lengths (where you put one foot directly in front of another) and remember it, it makes it much easier to mark out your run up before competitions etc.

Or you could just completely ignore me...

Sorry if i've bored you ;) Hope it helps :)|||try jumping|||You would jump right- right- left. keep your height low and run off the board. try to land flat-footed to gear up for the next phase. hope this helps you.

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