Saturday, November 19, 2011

Why did i become so terrible at triple jump but a better 3200m runner?

In track last year, i jumped 28.2 feet for the triple jump and i ran an avg. 3200m at 14:30. this year, i jump 22 feet! but i run an avg of 13:20. why did this happen? are my running muslces making my jumping muscles worse or something?|||Long distance running and the triple jump are just not good combinations. Neither are good for your knees.

I triple jump and run the 2 miles.

My best jump is 23'5. I suck, lol.

But my 2 mile time is 13:15.|||Depends how old you are.

As you change in growth, your body adapts to different things. You muscular system stops its really fast growing at around 14-17 (for girls) but your bones don't stop growing until much later. And as your muscles may have just finished developing, you may find that the balance between specific muscle groups has changed. There's actually 3 types of muscles, slow twitch, fast twitch and an intermediate group (I forget the real specifics, been a while since I studied it haha). The intermediate group can be trained a little towards both ways, it either gets adopted by the fast twitch or stays more towards the middle to assist with the slower twitch muscles (again if I'm wrong, please someone correct me).

If you've been more active in doing lots of jogging or aerobic type activities lately, you may have developed more on the side of slower twitch. Also, your body may have just changed to not benefit the triple jump.

Who said there was anything wrong with 2mile running?! Your talent may just be somewhere you didn't expect it.|||well there are two kinds of muscle fibres. the sprinting and jumping events use fast twitch muscle fibres and long distance requires slow twitch muscle fibres if you have more slow twitch fibres you are not gonna be a good sprinter and a good sprinter cant be a good distance runner they dont have the right muscle fibres and yeah they definetly effect on wat kind of event you are gonna do. And there is absoluty nothing like jumping muscles and running muscles

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